- Epic Insights by Sukun
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- Changing your brain's outlook and turning stress into vitality
Changing your brain's outlook and turning stress into vitality
What’s in store today:
-Changing your brain’s outlook
-Transforming stress into vitality
-How to leave your mark
The mind is a double-edged sword.
It can be your best friend and your greatest enemy at the same time.
We’re well familiar with the latter. Negative thinking patterns are evident everywhere much like the parent who immediately points out what’s wrong or that acquaintance who will comment on your weight before asking how you are.
On the outside, these people just seem grumpy and a real pain to be around, but on the inside, they just have an untrained brain.
Not entirely their fault though.
Our minds by default are wired to scan for the negatives. This ancient survival mechanism hasn’t quite left us.
But this becomes a problem when focusing on the negative becomes a pattern, always scanning for the worst outcomes turning even the perfect environment into hell.
![Frustrated Jennifer Aniston GIF](https://media3.giphy.com/media/EqJBJMCh96O1W/giphy.gif?cid=2450ec30wb8b7jl3p95g071jrm0cbfh6gjd65p50u6z45ced&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)
As we become experts at noticing the negatives, it’s only natural to bypass the positives. Fortunately, all hope is not lost. Our brains are more malleable than we might expect and can be trained to look out for the good stuff.
This can start with something as simple as making a daily list of all the positive happenings. Sounds too good to be true but a decade of empirical studies have proven the benefits of this exercise.
Participants of a study who were asked to write 3 good things each day for a week were happier and less depressed. Surprisingly enough, they maintained significantly higher levels of happiness and optimism even after the study concluded.
In other words, they successfully trained their brains to scan the world positively. It’s almost like forcing the brain to change its outlook 24 hours at a time.
As a result, the small annoyances and frustrations fade somewhere in the background. Our brains have a limited capacity for where focus can be directed.
Whether it’s positive or negative, the choice is ours.
Transforming stress into vitality
Nothing in life beats having high energy.
It sets the tone for productivity, performance, and fulfilling relationships.
However, stress and the busyness of the mind get in the way, compromising health and well-being.
That’s where Qi Gong Master, Lee Holden comes in. He’s been transforming lives for the past 25 years helping over 10,000 people heal from illnesses, slow the ageing process and maximize their energy.
You could be one of those people by tuning in this conversation, where he shares powerful insights on:
-The biggest culprits of stress
-How Qi gong helps ease the mind and release stagnant emotions
-Creating the right kind of energy to lead your best life
How to leave your mark
Everyone wants to get noticed. Our need for significance and validation, thanks to social media has never been higher.
Building a personal brand is great. But it takes a bit more to build personal impact and it starts with a simple strategy we often neglect. Its called- taking an interest in people.
When you’re genuinely curious about someone and want to learn more about them, it’s hard to be forgotten.
Focusing on others rather than oneself is the most underrated way for standing out from the crowd.
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