Pessimism, The ego empire and our future in the wake of AI

What’s in store today:

-How pessimism pays
-When the Ego rules
-The ignored side of AI

For all the attention that we place on being happy and successful our minds are more primed to notice misery and failure.

A fact that has been cleverly exploited by news channels that will feature more stories on terror and market crashes than sharing the brighter updates in the world.

This trend goes back to the early 20th century.

The Wright brothers, famous for building the first airplane known to mankind, began their exciting quest after dropping out of high school.

During the first four years, they received little attention for working on their revolutionary invention that would connect the world, bridging the gaps between cities, oceans and countries.

It took a plane crash to finally be mentioned in the papers, where an army lieutenant Thomas Selfridge died during a demonstration flight.

While we strive for optimism, being pessimistic seems to hold our attention more and keep us safe from any potential threats- particularly when it comes to health and wealth.

While this instinct has its advantages, appreciating progress and successes are just as important in life.

Consciously shifting our perspective takes more effort which is how the practice of gratitude has managed to make its waves.

When the Ego rules

Having an ego comes as a part of the human package. To some extent, we all thrive in a sense of self-importance.

But an untamed ego is where troubles begin to creep in.

Damaged relationships, self-hatred, bullying others and even war. No peace of mind can ever be achieved when the ego starts ruling our lives.

This conversation explores the dark side of the ego and how to prevent ourselves from being dominated by it.

The ignored side of AI

AI is creating excitement like a child’s new toy. Everyone wants to learn everything about it.

But there is a reality that most of us are in denial or ignorant about.

Google’s former chief business officer has seen it all and has an important message to share.

Here are his five big insights that we all ought to know about:

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