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- Saving yourself from drama, Understanding the opposite gender and the Biggest test of patience
Saving yourself from drama, Understanding the opposite gender and the Biggest test of patience
What’s in store today:
-How to save yourself from drama
-What women want and what drives men
-The biggest test of patience
Princes and Princesses, villains and unexpected twists, gossip and scandals, romance and drama- all of this is dominant in Bridgeton, one of the highest-rated shows on Netflix with over 68 million views.
Outside of showbiz, there’s another place where we love drama.
Our own lives.
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Having recognized the common tendencies and behavioral traits of us humans from blaming to fighting, avoiding or overreacting, Dr Stephen Karpman came up with The Drama Triangle. This model describes the destructive and shifting roles that perpetuate conflict.
According to Karpna, it takes three to tango. Here are the drama roles:
The Persecutor: Projects arrogance, rage, and moral outrage to ‘fix others’. Owing to the need to teach others a lesson, the persecutor resorts to criticism, accusations and insults.
The Victim: Feels oppressed, helpless and powerless. Often feels being treated unfairly and seeks someone to blame or rescue them for their problems.
The Rescuer: Meddles with unsolicited advice to show others the ‘right way’ to do things. Feels compelled to help the victim often by doing things for them that they could very well do for themselves.
The drama triangle creates a volatile dynamic, the symptoms of which include anger, frustration, and confusion.
By now, you’re probably thinking of someone who fits one of the three roles, if not yourself.
But there’s hope and it all starts with awareness.
Once you recognize what role you find yourself gravitating towards, all it takes is effort, courage, and practice to move towards healthier and more productive ways of showing up in the world.
What women want and what drives men
Relationships can be complex.
And why would they not be. It takes two intricate, complex beings to come together and figure out each other through several conversations, arguments and episodes of driving each other up the wall.
Understanding the opposite gender has been the greatest mystery of all time.
This is where Alison Armstrong comes in. As one of the most-after experts at understanding men and women, Alison shares her wisdom of 30 years in explaining:
-The core needs of men
-The biggest mistakes women make with their partners
-The nuances of modern dating
-The gaps that play out in relationships and how to bridge them
The biggest test of patience
Feeling calm comes pretty easily in controlled environments. But nothing brings out our triggers and tantrums more than our beloved families. That’s the ultimate test of one’s patience and spiritual progress.
If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.
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