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- Expanding self-awareness and tracking metrics that matter
Expanding self-awareness and tracking metrics that matter
What’s in store today:
👉🏻Expanding self awareness
👉🏻Tracking metrics that matter
👉🏻Re-defining ‘networking’
Expanding self-awareness
Self-awareness is underrated.
It’s not emphasized half as much as getting a good degree, yet it’s the most significant factor shaping the quality of our lives.
Unfortunately, most of the world moves through life with many blind spots- getting caught up in ego games, blaming others around, and sabotaging themselves in every possible way.
As much as we take pride in being fully self-aware, we really aren’t. Here are a few ways to level up the awareness game and get a reality check.
1.Working with someone: This process is incredibly instrumental in uncovering the hidden parts of ourselves. External perspectives can often reveal things we’re too close to see on our own.
2. Spotting common patterns: Self-introspection is invaluable. The insights can be revelational as long as one is willing to look within and do the inner work.
Repeated areas of frustration or stagnation often point to underlying patterns at play. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards breaking them and creating change.
3. Diversifying beliefs: This is often the hardest to do given our natural tendency to look for data that reinforces our current beliefs- but it’s also how blind spots and formed and how cults are created. Intentionally entering environments with different belief systems is one way to challenge conventional ideas and expand current thinking models.
Increasing awareness of the self, while owning all the flaws and imperfections that come with it, is the greatest gateway to growth and expansion.
Tracking metrics that matter
Jealousy, comparison, and envy dominate our digital worlds.
![Frustrated Greys Anatomy GIF by ABC Network](https://media3.giphy.com/media/rhmyoddHSEceaeCiP4/giphy-downsized.gif?cid=2450ec301594oyu6hdl8h4uh7d7sjors216eu4izp0fcn96w&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy-downsized.gif&ct=g)
Not only has it created a delusional idea of what everyone else’s lives are like, but it’s also created an unhealthy narrative of success within us.
In the race to stand out with the most followers and likes, it’s easy to lose sight of life's intangible yet priceless things.
While there’s no way out of this world, there is a way to make better choices.
For every follower that’s gained, prioritize a meaningful conversation.
For every like that’s received, pass on a nice compliment to someone in the real world.
For every hateful comment that’s thrown, send some love and compassion their way.
The algorithm may be set in its ways but we have the power to flip the script.
Redefining networking
Networking can feel overwhelming.
In the urge to stand you might find yourself oscillating between sliding in people’s DM’s promoting various services or flashing business cards to everyone at a convention.
There’s a simpler and more effective way to be recognized and leave a mark on people.
It’s called being genuinely interested in others.
You can’t be forgotten by people who have been made to feel that you are actually interested in them for nothing but the sake of being interested in them.
The impact of this extends far beyond simply sharing a product or a business card.
Showing up authentically without any transactions is the most underrated way to build meaningful relationships.
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